The Theosophical Society is composed of students belonging to any religion in the world or to none, who are united by their approval of the Society's Objects. Their bond of union is not the profession of a common belief, but a common search and aspiration for Truth in an environment of freedom of thought. The Society welcomes as members those who are in sympathy with its Objects and who are willing to abide by its Rules.
It is recommended that individuals interested in applying to join the Society attend a few meetings in order to get to know a local Branch or Study Centre, and/or acquaint themselves with some of the literature produced by the Society. Application for membership of the Society can be made through any Branch in New Zealand. The list below will show where your closest Theosophical Society Branch or Study Centre are.
If you choose to join the Theosophical Society you will not be asked to accept any particular teachings or to surrender any of your existing beliefs. This is in keeping with the Society's policy on Freedom of Thought.
Membership includes:
- Participation in an international organisation with members in some 60 countries of the world.
- Access to local Branches and Study Centres in 17 locations in New Zealand
- Subscription to TheoSophia, a quarterly magazine
- Use of the National Section Library in person or by mail
- An introductory series of letters covering basic Theosophical concepts
- Opportunities to attend presentations, workshops, retreats, seminars and other programmes subsidised by the National Section
- Participation in electronic or postal study and discussion groups
Theosophical Centres in New Zealand:
Click on the link below to find details for the centre nearest you. For membership details, contact the centre concerned.