


Welcome to the Wellington Branch of the Theosophical Society

The Wellington Branch was the first branch of the Theosophical Society to be established in New Zealand, over 125 years ago in 1888.

Members and friends of Wellington Branch meet regularly on Tuesdays to discuss various topics relevant to the study of Theosophy, such as the spiritual life, Ancient Wisdom teachings, recent scientific studies, and how to apply these principles in our life. You are welcome to come along and meet some of our members and attend a few Tuesday meetings.

We are a vibrant community and we welcome new members enquiring into the big questions of life. As a member you will also be able to attend our in-depth Members only meetings which are held on Sunday afternoons.

Our Branch has a comprehensive library, and as a member you can borrow books without charge.

If you are interested in applying for membership to our Branch, please contact our Secretary at tswlgtn@gmail.com


Our weekly programme is on Tuesdays from 7.00-8.00pm. It includes presentations from local and international speakers, which can be attended both in-person and online via Zoom.

Members have been sent the Zoom link by email. To request the link and be included on the mailing list, please write to the Branch Secretary:


Or, you can subscribe to the online Programme mailing list by using the sign up form:



Branch Library

The Wellington Branch has one of the best libraries in Wellington for esoteric literature. Members of the Wellington Branch can borrow books for a couple of weeks at a time.

All are welcome to visit the Library during the open hours. Membership of the library is also available to non-members.

Library open Tuesdays only 4.00 - 7.00 pm.

Check out the Online Catalogue here.


Historically among its members were Sir Harry Atkinson, Prime Minister of New Zealand; Mr. Van Staveren, the Jewish Rabbi; H. M. Stowell, a Maori Tohunga (priest); and Mr. Edward Tregear who wrote a book about the similarities of the Hindu and Maori languages. Another notable long-standing member was H. G. R. Mason, who was Attorney General in 1935 and held various ministerial offices during his political career and yet found time to be actively involved with the work of the Theosophical Society.