To be kept up to date with what is happening at Theosophy Palmerston North, please email and ask for your email address to be added to the email list.

Regular Meetings:
Non-sectarian Group Meditation:
5.15 - 6.15 pm every Tuesday // Entry: Koha - contributions or donations welcome towards Hall expenses - $5 + (TS members $2 +)
Both members and public welcome.
Study Group:
Dates and topics are sent out by email // Enquiries welcome - see contact details above.
Open 10.00am - 12.00 noon every Saturday (recess for Christmas/New Year) // Email or phone Anthea 06 353 6221 or 027 240 2069 if you wish to check.
Both members and the public welcome. There is a "library only" subscription available to non-members.
Upcoming Talks and Events:

To be kept up to date with what is happening please email and ask for your email address to be added to the email list.