The New Plymouth Branch of the Theosophical Society was established in 1916. Members meet regularly and discuss theosophical topics. Membership of our New Plymouth branch is open to anyone who is in sympathy with the TS's Objects. Enquiries are welcome.
Regular Members' Meetings:
When: 5.30pm – First and Third Wednesdays of the Month
Where: See Newsletter and Programme.
Members' meetings begin with a Healing Group ceremony for the first 10 minutes.
Public Meetings:
When: 7.30pm – See Programme/ Newsletter above
Where: Venue varies, see Programme/ Newsletter above for details.
Becoming a Member of our New Plymouth Branch
If you and are interested in applying for membership to our Branch then download the application form, print it and fill it in at the branch attending, or print and post the original paper version to New Plymouth Branch of the Theosophical Society c/- Jim Scrivener 30 Hine St, New Plymouth 4310.
You will need to include the annual subscription fee*:
Waged: $35.00
Unwaged: $30.00
Deposit to the branch bank account which is: 15-3944-0098985-000, listing your Surname in the reference field, and ‘TS sub’ in the particulars field.
* Our financial year ends 31 September and subscriptions for the next year will become due from then. If you are applying for membership in the months from April to August, you may pay half the normal subscription, in which case please list ‘half TSsub’ in the particulars field.