What is Theosophy?
What is the Theosophical Society?/summary>
What does this Wisdom Tradition teach?
What do Theosophists believe in?
What do Theosophists do in their meetings?
How do Theosophists regard churches and religions?
What is the message of Theosophy today?
What do those ideas mean in daily life and how do we live by them?
Where did an idea to establish Climate Connect Aotearoa come from?
These abstract ideas have some very specific and practical implications, for example the following:
The world we live in is basically a good place when we love wisely. It is to be treasured and to be honored: rejoice in life.
- We develop as human beings, not by forsaking the world, but by cooperating with nature to preserve and perfect it: respect the environment and be ecologically responsible.
- You and I are different expressions of the same life, so whatever happens to either of us happens to both of us. Our well-being is linked: help your neighbor, and thereby help yourself.
- Disharmony and evil are the result of ignorance and selfishness: live in harmony and goodness so as to teach others by your life as well as by your words.