Theosophical Sundays - Exploring The Secret Doctrine with Martin Leiderman

Exploring The Secret Doctrine with Martin Leiderman


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Martin Leiderman

 Martin Leiderman is a retired Industrial Engineer. He is a long-time student of Theosophy, a Life Member of the Theosophical Society in America, and a national and international lecturer in both Spanish and English. Along with his wife, Susan, he leads the West Los Angeles Theosophical Study Group. Also, Martin currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Krotona Institute of Theosophy in Ojai, CA. In addition to studies in Theosophy, particularly The Secret Doctrine, The Mahatma Letters and The Voice of the Silence, his interests include Ancient Egypt, Plato and the Neoplatonists, Hermetic literature, Alchemy and comparative symbology of ancient traditions.