
  • Toward Insight and Wholeness: Our Role in Shaping the Future. The 12th Theosophical Society World Congress will be held in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada from 23rd-27th July 2025. Registrations open 15th July 2024.
  • The World Federation of Young Theosophists (WFYT) is hosting an international youth gathering that will take place from 22-27 June 2024 at the Bhowali Theosophical Centre, Himalaya, Uttaranchal, India. The convention is an opportunity for younger members of the Theosophical Society (under 41 years of age) to connect with like-minded brothers and sisters from around the world. The theme of this event is The Flame of Theosophy: Revisiting the Fundamentals.
  • The reactivated World Federation of Young Theosophists (WFYT) is organizing an international convention of young theosophists that will take place from 27-30 December 2023 in the TS headquarters, Adyar (India). This will be an occasion to connect with fellow young like-minded brothers and sisters coming from different countries and continents who hold dear the essence of Theosophy, and who try to embrace it and bring it to Life, day by day. Also, we will be celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Young Theosophists’ movement founded under the presidency of Annie Besant.
  • The International Theosophical Society Annual Convention will be held from 31 December (8:30am) 2023 to 4th January (6pm) held at the International Headquarters in Adyar, Chennai, India. This is one of the best time to visit Adyar and participate in this inspiring event. Registration is required and accommodation is available to members of the Society.
  • Adyar School of Wisdom

    The International Theosophical Headquarter in Adyar, Chennai each year holds a series of events called the Schools of Wisdom which are available to members to attend. These events generally take place in Blavatsky Bungalow on the property, with classes conducted by respected presenters.
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