Local Centres

NZ Landscape

There are 13 Theosophy Centres in New Zealand;  8 Branches, 2 Affiliated Centres and 3 Study Centres.

Internationally, the Theosophical Society is divided into administrative areas known as Sections. The Branches together form the New Zealand Section, which was chartered in 1886. It was registered under the NZ 'Incorporated Societies Act 1908' on October 29, 1908. 

Organisationally, the Section is broken down into Branches (or Lodges), Affiliated Centres and Study Centres. The difference between a Branch, Affiliated Centre and Study Centre is basically its scope of the organisational structure. Branches and Affiliated Centres not only provide centres of activity for their members, but also make available to the public information relating to the basic concepts and ideals of Theosophy.

Affiliated Centres:

These formed under The Theosophical Society in New Zealand Inc. constitution, whose members are National Section members who affiliate with a local Affiliated Centre.

Study Centres:
Study centres are usually formed by a specific group of individuals for the study of theosophical concepts, or they may be the nucleus for forming a new Branch (or Affiliated Centre) where one does not currently exist. They are administered by a Convenor who is a member of the society. A group may grow, if it wishes, into a Branch by forming a Committee and applying for a Charter to our International President through the NZ Section Office. 

Branches and Affiliated Centres are generally closed during the holiday period (mid-December to mid-February).

Centres in New Zealand

Click on the link below to find details for the centre nearest you. For membership details, contact the centre concerned.




Far North

Hawke's Bay

National Section


New Plymouth


Palmerston North



