News & Resources

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  • The Theosophical Society has the unique role as Keeper and Sharer of the Ageless Wisdom. and through the public sharing of the sacred teachings,enriched by contemporary experience they become relevant to the lives of communities.
  • Creating a centre of  Inner Centre of Peace.

  • Theosophy presents a world view that emphasises the unity and interconnectedness of all life. It is a philosophy to be understood, not blindly accepted. Its principles have been stated by seers and sages since the most ancient times.

  • Death can be seen as a positive experience, if it is not thought of as an ending. A concept of immortality seems to be the solution to what otherwise creates a sense of despair.

  • Death can be seen as a positive experience, if it is not thought of as an ending. A concept of immortality seems to be the solution to what otherwise creates a sense of despair.

  • Some questions and answers about the Theosophical Society and its Objects etc.

  • Karma

    Karma, the law of cause and effect.

  • On the human spiritual journey many powers are developed including the various aspects of psychism. Often called extra-sensory perception, psychism may best be understood by comparing it with spirituality.

  • Reincarnation, Fact or Fallacy - by Geoffrey Hodson (Audio Book)

    An Examination and Exposition of the Doctrine of Rebirth.  Below you will find the 11 Chapters of an Audio Book read by Geoffrey Hodson.

  • Supreme Splendour

    This audio book, Supreme Splendour read by the author,Geoffry Hodson, reveals highly metaphysical and profound ideas relating to Divinity, the source of all existence.