
  • The International Theosophical Society Annual Convention will be held from 31 December (8:30am) 2023 to 4th January (6pm) held at the International Headquarters in Adyar, Chennai, India. This is one of the best time to visit Adyar and participate in this inspiring event. Registration is required and accommodation is available to members of the Society.
  • Adyar School of Wisdom

    The International Theosophical Headquarter in Adyar, Chennai each year holds a series of events called the Schools of Wisdom which are available to members to attend. These events generally take place in Blavatsky Bungalow on the property, with classes conducted by respected presenters.
  • Richard Sell comes from a Theosophical family in New Zealand and first joined the Theosophical Society as a teenager. Richard loves all things theosophical, but he is especially interested in the self-awareness and transformation process that is undertaken by the individual and how this can be applied in everyday living.
  • The Nature of the Mind and how to silence it.

  • Interested in exploring Theosophy at a deeper level? Come along to this special weekend where we will be exploring some of the keynote principles underlying the Modern Theosophical Movement introduced through the Theosophical Society at its’ founding. These ideas based on the principles of the unity of all life, the cyclic nature of the universe, and the pathways to the unfolding of awareness, have been put forward for exploration.
  • Out of the billions of human beings on the planet Earth, only a few are deeply struck by the obvious fact that ‘I did not create myself.’  We use the expression ‘I am breathing’ as if I created my breathing apparatus as well as the air that is needed fo

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